JWT - Volume XXV
Joe’s Wolfpack Trailblazers
May 2022
This month's edition of 'Joe's Wolfpack Trailblazers' features the cancer survivorship stories of the three incredible 'Trailblazing' men who are planning the first ever in-person gathering of Man Up to Cancer’s Howling Place group, set for Sept. 9-11 in upstate New York.
The stories of Don Helgeson, Danny Riggs, and Michael Riehle are truly inspiring. They bring the leadership needed to create this amazing event called the “Gathering of Wolves.” If you know a man needing emotional support while battling cancer and if he would like to take part in this event, have him join 'The Howling Place Group,’ because as our founder, Trevor Maxwell, always says "The Wolfpack doors are always open.”
— Joe Bullock, lead administrator, Man Up to Cancer - The Howling Place (Also known as The Wolfpack)
Don Helgeson
Don Helgeson
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Survivor of multiple cancers
My name is Don Helgeson. I am a recently retired member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police living in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
In September 2020, I started my newest cancer journey as a prostate cancer patient and survivor at age 51. I was already a two time cancer survivor having battled malignant melanoma and colon cancer earlier in my life. My cancer story has been complicated by the fact I am living with Lynch Syndrome - a genetic defect that increases the odds of developing certain types of cancers during one's lifetime. In short, my body has difficulty repairing mistakes when my cells repair or divide.
Although I’ve had incredible support over the years from friends and family, I joined Man Up to Cancer in the Spring of 2020 as a two time cancer survivor. I quickly realized how important the connections I was making within this incredible group of men was helping me with my own well being and mental health. I didn’t know it at the time, but the group would become an even more asset to me when I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer in the Fall of 2020 - my third cancer since the age of 27.
As a member of this group, I’ve learned that I’m not alone and over time it has actually helped empower me to become a prostate cancer advocate. In doing so, I became a Man Up to Cancer Wolfpack Leader in November 2021 to help other men in our online community and to promote MUTC where I live. I also created my own personal webpage (www.prostatecancer51.com) to share my story and to encourage all men to get checked for prostate cancer at an earlier age.
Earlier this year, Trevor Maxwell approached me to help organize the 2022 Gathering of Wolves. It was my turn to give back after everything Man Up to Cancer had provided to me over the past two years. I’m proud and extremely honoured to help organize what I believe will be an incredible opportunity and event this upcoming September.
Danny Riggs
Danny Riggs
League City, Texas
Stage II-B Breast Cancer
Did you know that men can get breast cancer? It’s true. In fact, overall, 1 in 833 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. My name is Danny Riggs, and I am that 1.
I am the humbled husband of Sarah. The most amazing woman in the world whom I met in 2008 and married in 2012. I’m the proud father of Daniel, Steven, and Kali. I work 50-60 hours a week at one of the largest construction sites in the US and try to convince folks to work safely. Even though I have been NED for over a year I still consider myself a warrior because no one fights alone in Cancer Land.
Diagnosed March 13, 2020, with Stage II-B Breast Cancer with metastasis to the lymph nodes I underwent a modified radical mastectomy, 16 weeks of AC-T chemo (yes, the Red Devil), and 35 radiation treatments. I rang the bell on November 20 and was declared NED on January 8, 2021. I have added to my resume the skill of “Kicked Cancer’s Ass During a Global Pandemic”.
During and shortly after my battle, I had a hard time finding any type of support groups where I could fit in. Breast Cancer survivor groups weren’t all that warm and fuzzy about a man being in the group. I even tried a Male Breast Cancer Group, but it was more information than supportive. I had pretty much given up, decided to go it alone, and disconnect from social media. I was, after all, cancer free and I should be getting back to life as normal. But I was anything but back to normal. Survivorship was a very lonely place. I wasn’t sure I could survive on my own.
February 14, 2021, I was invited to join yet another online cancer support group. Hesitantly, I went to the group and started creeping around. There was a big debate going on about pineapple on pizza. Men were talking about motorcycles and big trucks. There were pictures of campfires. Guys were using curse words to talk about how shitty cancer was treating them that day. There was a hashtag that needed no explanation for me because it was the story of my life. #KFG. Still skeptical, I went and checked out the website associated with the group and read a motto that resonated with how Sarah and I live, how we had survived cancer, how we had built our family. Open Heart. Warrior Spirit. I knew that I had found my place. My people. My Pack.
The Howling Place and Man Up to Cancer have introduced me to so many wonderful people and so much knowledge, support, and comradery. I have become friends with men I’ve never met face to face. I have lost friends in that space whom I mourned more than I mourned for family members. The relationships I have found are real. It was the first time I could give real talk on real things and get real acceptance.
When I was asked by Trevor Maxwell to join the leadership group, I was honored to be able to speak to the public on behalf of these men and start working behind the scenes to make our group better. In a post amongst the Leaders’ group, I mentioned that it would be nice to plan some type of get together where we could all finally meet face to face, a Gathering of Wolves. Trevor hinted that something might be in the works and now knew what we were calling it. A couple days later, he dropped a teaser post in The Howling Place. A few days later Michael, Don, and I were messaged by Trevor to see if we could have a Zoom meeting to discuss something “concerning” that was happening in the group. When we met, he stated that he knew there a bunch of comments and activity on his teaser post and that we would certainly be having an event but, and I quote him directly, “You mother fuckers are planning it!” We all brainstormed a bit and threw some ideas together and started planning.
September 9 – 11, we will be having our inaugural Gathering of Wolves in Delevan, New York. So many of the Wolf Pack have met in small groups with their local brothers but finally, a large gathering is going to take place. Although it will be an introduction for most of us in attendance, I feel as if it is a reunion of sorts having grown to love the men in this group like family. Currently we have 50 Wolves committed to attending this event of free fun, fellowship, food, and beer!
Yes, I said free. If you are one of our Howling Place Brothers and you haven’t fully decided, please reach out to any of the three of us and let us know what obstacles we can help eliminate.
I hate that it was cancer that brought us all together, but I am so grateful that cancer brought us all together. Make today your Best Day Possible, keep an open heart with a warrior spirit, and above all…
Keep Fucking Going!
Michael Riehle
Michael Riehle
South Wales, New York
Stage IV Colorectal Cancer
My name is Michael Riehle and I am a Stage IV Colorectal cancer survivor. This month of June will mark two years since diagnosis where I was originally given one year to live. After some expedient and thorough research, I switched cancer facilities and hit the ground running with a barrage of chemo and abdominal surgeries spread throughout the following 8 months. I'm proud to say that I am now one year NED (cancer free)! My story is living proof of how multiple opinions can literally be a lifesaver.
Shortly after my diagnosis, I was introduced to Man Up To Cancer as well as our Facebook group The Howling Place. I'm getting chills as I write this just remembering how I felt "at home" right away. Like minded men, shooting the shit, hanging out, sometimes as if we'd never even heard that dreaded C word. My involvement in the group grew exponentially over the following months, leading up to now being an Admin on the FB page. There's not many things out there that are as fulfilling as showing support for our brothers in need. Being on the other side plenty of times as well, I continually reach to the group for support in my cancer journey and in my personal life. I've made many lifelong friends who I keep in touch with daily, and have been lucky enough to meet quite a few as well.
Now here comes the cool part! Myself, Danny Riggs, and Don Helgeson have been tasked with the amazing opportunity to plan the First Annual Gathering of Wolves. This is going to be an all weekend event solely for members of The Howling Place. Tears will be flowing as members gather from thousands of miles away to embrace each other's presence after forming strong bonds through the group. It's almost surreal…after 2 years of covid and cancer, finally being able to meet so many of those whom I consider to be like family. We are Wolfpack Strong!
Trevor Maxwell and Joe Bullock
Joe Bullock
Durham, N.C.
Stage IIIB Colorectal Cancer
When Trevor Maxwell started Man Up To Cancer and The Howling Place Group in early 2020 the goal was simple and inspired by his own journey. As he has stated many times as its mission: “Man Up To Cancer inspires men to connect and avoid isolation throughout our cancer journeys. We are changing what it means to ‘Man Up’ in the face of cancer. To us, it means knowing we are smarter and stronger as a pack than we are lone wolves."
After hearing this from Trevor to be honest I didn't think it was even possible for men to want to talk about cancer. I had spent several months myself in isolation during my cancer treatments, being that lone wolf. I felt misunderstood as much outside of treatment as I did while in treatment for my Stage 3b Colorectal Cancer diagnosis. There were very few men I knew that had survived cancer that really liked talking about it. Most of them were like myself and just wanted to gut through the treatments. Trevor was the first person I had ever known to talk about his journey so openly and being inspired to get men out of those man caves.
Trevor invited me on this quest to support other male cancer patients in this way and also encouraged me to invite as many men that I knew battling cancer to overcome that same isolation together as a pack. I think we knew in the beginning it might be a tough sell because most men don't really use social media let alone Facebook.
I remember one of my first 'Facebook friends' I invited to the group those first couple of months was a member named Dennis Wilbur. I think I invited him like five or six times to the group and he declined several times. He said he finally accepted because I nagged him so much to join the group. He was worried that being a gay man he might not be accepted in the group. He would quickly learn that was wrong because we are bonded by cancer and support each other in the fight no matter our personal beliefs. As the months followed Dennis would become one of the most outspoken members of the group about his stage IV colorectal cancer diagnosis. He grew to love the group and built many friendships because of it.
One of those friendships was with a member named Jon Delaney. Jon had a hard time opening up about his own cancer journey in the group, but he and Dennis made an instant connection early on in their friendship in the group. Even though they lived thousands of miles apart from each other, they found time to talk weekly on the phone. There was a time when Dennis was struggling mentally because of the physical toll his cancer had taken on him. He would leave the group briefly but Jon made sure that their friendship endured through those tough times.
Dennis Wilbur
Jon Delaney
Jon, Trevor, and I would work together to support Dennis with phone calls and would rally members to send cards of encouragement to him. Because of these efforts, Dennis would eventually return to the group because he realized again he could not fight this battle alone. Dennis and Jon would join our weekly zoom chats in the group to find even more encouragement.
A few months later Dennis would die from complications from his cancer treatments. In his last zoom meeting he joined with the group he talked about how much he appreciated the friendships he found in the group especially with Jon. He had no longer felt alone in the fight and was glad we didn't let him just remain a lone wolf.
After Dennis passed, Jon would continue to reach out to other members of the group. A couple of months later he himself would enter hospice care and discontinue treatment for his cancer. He wanted to enjoy what time he had left because he knew his cancer was terminal and the treatments were no longer working. Jon would spend those last few months of his life reaching out to other men in the Howling Place group that might be facing the same outcome in their own cancer journey. He wanted to remove the stigma about hospice care. Jon felt that Hospice wasn't just about the end of life care, but the quality of what life he knew he had left to live. He made the choice to live the best life he could until the end. He also embodied the true meaning of the group. Jon and I would stay in communication until the end of his life.
Many friendships have grown, like Jon and Dennis's, since the creation of the group. Trevor had hoped we would have a Man Up To Cancer in person gathering in 2021. He had it in the works to create such an event but with a worldwide pandemic upon us It just wasn't possible at the time. This did not prevent members of the group from meeting up when they could as they would find each other as they joined the group.
Many times they would meet up during treatments at their cancer centers or just in the parking lots afterwards. When it was safe to do so they would meet up for dinners, coffee or at various sporting events. One member would travel hundreds of miles to encourage another member in the fight. It had quickly become less about being a Facebook group and more about being a brotherhood. The members began to support each other in the fight just like Jon and Dennis did with their friendship. In the end sometimes it meant just walking each other home. Trevor's goal was to create this group for men to get emotional support they needed while battling cancer and that is exactly what was happening in the group.
Local Howling Place group meet-up at Michael Riehle’s garage in upstate New York
Now that we are hopefully on the other side of this global pandemic, Trevor has chosen three of our most enthusiastic members to plan this worldwide gathering of The Howling Place Group. Don Helgeson, Michael Riehle, and Danny Riggs have all accepted the challenge to organize and create the first official 'Gathering Of Wolves' event to be held at Camp Duffield in Delevan, N.Y. It will be held September 9-11, 2022.
We will spend the weekend celebrating our survivorship together as men of the Wolfpack. We will also remember our brothers like Dennis and Jon who have 'Won' their battles with cancer and we helped walk home since the creation of the group. We have learned with Trevor's leadership that 'We are smarter and stronger as a pack than we are as lone wolves.' We now look forward to celebrating that together at this historic event.