EOY MUTC Chapter Update

Wow! Man Up to Cancer is on track for over 900 in-person and/or virtual meetups by the end of this calendar year. Close to 250 meetups have happened in the past three months alone. 

Highlights include a recent gathering in Denver, Colorado while Michael Holtz from Tennessee was in Denver providing support to his close friend Ryan who was recently hospitalized due to complications while participating in a clinical trial. Colorado MUTC Chapter members rallied to support Michael and Ryan. Additionally, Kevin Johnson leader of the Virginia Chapter, hosted a large in-person luncheon for members of his chapter at a local restaurant. This chapter has seen a recent surge of activity due to Kevin’s hard work and dedication to the organization. As well, Jason Reiss who leads the Liberty Bell Chapter, organized and hosted a successful mini-Gathering of Wolves last month that was attended by a dozen members from the Philadelphia Region. 

There have been many more incredible meetups both virtually and in-person over the last quarter, and they can be viewed in our monthly MUTC Meetup Video Montages. 

Lastly, the Chapter and Meetup Coordinator Team would like to thank the seventy-plus chapter and group leaders from all over the world who make a difference in the lives of men facing cancer every single day.  

Warm Regards,

Don Helgeson, Tim McDonald, John Bradley, Chris Berberabe, Sean Allen and Dave Keown

Man Up to Cancer Chapter and Meetup Coordinator Team.


Trevor’s EOY Update