Justin Birckbichler

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🔸 Name: Justin Birckbichler

🔸 Age: 28 (25 at diagnosis)

🔸 Occupation: Instructional Technology Coach

🔸 Location: Fredericksburg, VA

🔸 Cancer type: Stage II Testicular Cancer Survivor 

🔸 Website: www.aballsysenseoftumor.com

Q: The Man Up to Cancer motto is OPEN HEART, WARRIOR SPIRIT. Which aspect of your personality could use more growth?

A: For 2020, I’m setting a personal resolution: I want to say ‘no’ more. When I say yes to something I’m not truly thrilled about, I’m saying no to myself and what I really want to do. I’ve been gifted a second chance at life, and it’s up to me to make the best of it.

Q: What are your top tools for coping with the psychological impacts of cancer (i.e. anxiety, depression, anger, isolation, etc.)?

A: It's a multi-tiered approach for me: exercise, writing, visits with my therapist, antidepressants, meditation, ensuring a quality night of sleep, and being honest and cognizant about my feelings when I am not feeling my best.

Q: If you could pick a “handle” for your wolf identity, what would it be, and why?

A: Raptor - I work to achieve goals with a laser like focus, with as much speed and efficiency as possible. I also just like raptors.


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