Robert Ramirez


🔸 Name: Robert Ramirez

🔸 Age: 65

🔸 Occupation: Real Estate Broker

🔸 Location: Petaluma CA

🔸 Cancer type: I was a caregiver for my 37 year old son. He was diagnosed with colorectal cancer March 30th, 2018, and died Nov. 11, 2018.

Q: The Man Up to Cancer motto is OPEN HEART, WARRIOR SPIRIT. Which aspect of your personality could use more growth?

A: Working on re-building my Warrior Spirit after losing my son. I had it everyday when I was his caregiver and now it’s a constant wave of emotion that I fight to get back. I hope for this community I can be of help to everyone here, especially with Dads. I think I can help Dads learn best ways to support their sons into their recovery.

Q: What are your top tools for coping with the psychological impacts of cancer (i.e. anxiety, depression, anger, isolation, etc.)?

A: For now it’s been meditation, mostly ones at night that help me sleep. Spending lots of time with my son’s daughter, pushing myself to play my instruments. Spending time working with Colontown helping others.

Q: If you could pick a “handle” for your wolf identity, what would it be, and why?

A: I’m going to ponder on that and actually take it up with my 12-year-old granddaughter and get back to you. UPDATE: Gray Wolf!

Q: What brought you to the Man Up to Cancer community? 

A: My son found Colontown on Facebook during his illness and I’m still highly involved and currently training to become an Empowered Patient Leader (E.P.L.). Our first training in San Diego is where I met our top Wolf Warrior, Trevor Maxwell.


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