Chris Taylor publishes portraits of MUTC men

Over the past few years, Man Up to Cancer member Chris Taylor has created a stunning collection of acrylic paint portraits of men within the MUTC community. He has done this from his heart and with no financial assistance for his time and materials. Chris is a survivor of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Chris has now collected all 24 paintings into a book titled "The Wolfpack." Simply click on this link if you wish to purchase this beautiful collection.

Please join me in thanking Chris for the gift of art he has bestowed on our community! This is the introduction I wrote for the book:

"Every community needs storytellers.

Those special individuals who can capture, through art or writing, the spirit of the people who make up a community at a given time on this earth.

Long after the individual members of a group have faded into memory, the images and stories of them continue to endure through the years.

In this way — if the storyteller has a certain amount of talent and a certain amount of commitment to their craft — the work and the artist become the stuff of legacy.

For the Man Up to Cancer community, Chris Taylor is one of those special storytellers.

In short, Man Up to Cancer is a community of men who are cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. We lean on one another as we walk the hard road of treatment and, hopefully, recovery. Through our cancer journeys, we experience some of the darkest places a human can imagine, and we also experience unmatched joys of living.

With his artwork, Chris somehow captures all of this. He captures the true spirit of our members - our pain, grief, heartache, joy, courage, determination, and more.

We are forever grateful for the gift of Chris Taylor and his generous, extraordinary talent."


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Men need to take charge of their physical and mental health